Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year! This past year has been so busy, but I feel very blessed and I am so thankful for the wonderful people I have met and the amazing experiences I have had.
I've been busy with Relay for Life- I'm really excited because I'm going to be a team captain!! It is really wonderful to get my peers involved and we are all planning a lot of activities to fundraise money for cancer. This pageant has strengthened my passion for Relay for Life; and I am truly grateful for that.
I have gotten to do a lot of fun things while holding the title- I got to do a super fun photo shoot in San Diego. It was the best! Also, I got to be in a fashion show and speak about the American Cancer Society.
It's been great getting to know my sister queens better- they are both so sweet. Also, I have amazing directors who help me make my goals possible. Thanks everyone! Welcome to my blog!! I'm excited!!

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