Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I just went on a fun "field trip" to Nordstrom in Santa Barbara with the Ticktockers. We had a blast and we're all really great friends. Not to mention- we did some great shopping! It was really ironic because I ran into my cousin while I was shopped, so I got to see a lot of people that I knew!
During our meeting some of the Nordstrom employees, along with the managers came and gave a presentation about the latest fashions and trends. Then to test how well we paid attention, we had to go out and pick the perfect outfit. That was a ton of fun!
All of the girls in NCL are great friends and this was definitely a day to remember!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pageant Experience

Pageants are often seen by the public as being negative; something that is demeaning for women. However, it is my personal opinion that pageants can be extremely self-motivating and confidence building for girls trying to find their place in the world. Some pageants have talent or a swimsuit contest, however the International pageant mainly focuses on interview and community service. No matter how well you can belt a song, or no matter how great your body can look in a bikini, it can never compare to the fact that you can communicate with your community, and use these speaking skills to somehow better your society. The important thing to do is to not focus on how the pageant affects your life, but how you plan to affect others with this position. My particular goal is to share with children, my peers, and the elderly the importance of reaching out in your community.
I think it is critical to find an organization that fits your personality. If you are going to be making a difference, it should be done so by doing something you enjoy. This is the foundation for truly appreciating volunteerism. My particular passion happens to be Relay for Life within the American Cancer Society organization. I am using the pageant as a motivation to become a team captain and I am meeting many people who are just as eager to be helping the community. The International pageant system provides so many opportunities to discover your passions, live your dreams, and motivate others to find their dreams. However, you must find these for yourself. Of course, pageants provides support and encouragement, but initially you need to be the one to make your goals become a reality.
Also, pageants have given me the strength to be an individual. I have been blessed with an inner peace and self-confidence due to this whole experience. Many girls will tell you the same story. Through the process of working in the community and also by practicing interview, I have been able to verbalize my morals and make them a reality, instead of just thoughts. I appreciate the interview process for that very reason; your most deep questions, ideas, and beliefs can be openly stated so that everyone listening can better understand you as a person, but also you can understand yourself much better through this process.
I am learning that life has many wonderful blessings and beautiful moments, however, there are also times of stress and struggle. The experiences from pageants has rewarded me with grace to handle these challenges and also given me the integrity to uphold myself. I am discovering many new things through the process of listening and I am trying to find an inner peace to live life happily. There are so many people that you can learn from and the key is to take advantage of these many opportunities for knowledge. Be a leader and stand up for what you believe in. I am discovering how easy it can be to give in to peer pressure, however, I stand back because I realize that I have personal pride.
I am too thankful to properly verbalize my gratitude; there have been too many people to thank, too many moments to remember, and too many "precious moments" to look back on.
I would recommend this experience for anyone, no matter what the outcome. It does not change you, it only shapes you into a better version of you. I thank the Lord for his many blessings that he gives to each and every person and I pray that he will continue to strengthen and heal hearts.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

National Charity League

National Charity League is a mother-daughter organization and there is a six year time commitment. It begins in 7th grade and ends in 12th grade. I thought I would share some experiences that I've had so that you could see just what a great program it is!

Winter Formal

Winter Formal was on December 9, but I thought I should share anyway since it's such an important dance at Foothill! Everyone gets all dressed up, and we had a huge Hummer limo this year. This picture is with one of my best friends, Ashley.
This was everyone who went in our limo- it was soo crowded! Everyone had a great time and we went to Santa Barbara for dinner at a very nice Italian resturant.
These are some of the girls in our limo- we had so much fun! The only problem was that it rained almost all night and the dance was at ranch. Therefore, we ended the night completely soaked. I was freezing and this aspect of this dance was not the greatest...

Bud's 90th Birthday!

This picture is when I sang "Happy Birthday" to Bud.
These are our neighbors, Betty and Bud.
My dress is so poofy!!
Last night we attended our neighbor Bud's 90th birthday! There were about 150 people there and it was such a wonderful celebration. Everyone really had a great time, and I felt blessed to be apart of the event! Bud and Betty have been our neighbors for about 15 years and they are just like grandparents to me. We love them so much, and it was such a privilege to be with Bud on his special day. I got to sing happy birthday to him and give a short speech to let Bud know just how much he is appreciated!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Kiko the Cat!

Since I'm an only child, Kiko is almost like a brother. He is the star of our family, and he is most definitely pampered. He is a Siamese Chocolate-Point Applehead (a very specific breed, I know!) He has a lot of personality, and he is very affectionate. He is just too cute, and I thought you all should see what he looks like. Unfortunately, Kiko is not the only name for my cat; my dad is fond of the name Little Man. Kiko gets a little confused by that, but he knows what his real name is. Well, I hope you think my little Siamese cat is as cute as I do!



Thursday, January 4, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hi everybody! I hope that you all are having a great start to the new year! I had a great time on New Year's Eve. I had a really wonderful dinner at the Saticoy Country Club- one of my favorite places to dine! After, we had a small party at my house with neighbors, family, and friends. It's been a tradition in our home and it was so nice getting to be with everyone to ring in the new year! I pray that everyone stays healthy, happy, and prosperous!

Toodles! Lauren