Sunday, May 13, 2007

El Segundo Relay

Yesterday my mom and I attended the El Segundo relay- which was by far the biggest adventure yet of my year holding this title. It started out fine- I was driving (I have my permit) and my mom was giving me directions. Well, for a second she couldn't find the directions so she told me to take the nearest exit until she found them. It turns out that I took the exit into the LAX airport!! Quite the hassle. Well, we then got back on the freeway but it turns out there are two Imperial road exits and-lucky us- we took the wrong one. After driving around for over an hour and a half we asked a police officer where to go. She had no clue- but she did inform us that we needed to lock all doors and that we were in a very "dangerous" neighbor. Well, this definitely freaked me out! I wanted to turn back after that- I really didn't feel safe. But my mom- being the determined woman that she is- said that we shouldn't give up. So we didn't. After another hour and a half of driving- we finally found the relay. It turns out that the exit we needed was right after the LAX exit!!! Oh well- in situations like this I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. Though I'm not really sure what the reason was at this point. Maybe I'll have an epiphany. Heehee! Anyway, it was a great relay once we got there and I made a luminary for my teacher's aunt who just recently passed away from cancer. So far our count for fundraising is $3,582. Only a week to go!!

El Segundo Relay
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