Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Agoura Relay

On the same day that I went to the Santa Paula relay, I also attended the Agoura relay. What began as simple fun turned into a ton of excitement! My mom and I went simply to show our support and check out the event. It was over 90 degrees and it was terribly hot! However, as my mom and I walked laps around the track, there were a few college students that recognized me due to my sash. They were filming a video based on the importance of the American Cancer Society and the positive effects that it has on the community. I believe that they were from UC Riverside. I was happy to show my support and they asked me questions such as why I relay and how I think it has a positive outcome for the community. What was even better was that my mom got to be interviewed as well. She was able to discuss her experience with cancer, and I find that I am always very moved by her story. Afterward, I was asked to speak on stage about what teens can do to prevent cancer and I also encouraged them to continue their work in fighting cancer. It was a great relay- one of the best so far-and I can't wait till the next one!

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