Monday, April 2, 2007

Relay Fundraisers

Last Wednesday and Friday I held multiple bakesales and a pie-in-the-face auction. With only six other people helping me, we raised $235.00! I was so thrilled by this and we divided the money amongst ourselves. So far, our team has now raised $525.00 and I have raised $180.00. I am planning on fundraising later this week though.
The pie in the face auction went really well and people were actually volunteering to get pied. It was thrilling for me to see my peers getting involved on campus and having fun while raising money for cancer.
We also had a bakesale- we had brownies, cupcakes, cookies, chocolate suckers of all kinds! Everyone wanted a little something- even the teachers. The bakesales went so well, that I even had one at the dance.
I'm so excited about how well it went- I'm overjoyed that my student body is getting involved. Even though I was really sick that week, my teammates helped the events go successfully and we did very well!

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