Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day at Venice Beach

Last weekend my dad visited me at school to take me to Venice Beach! As a native Californian, I'd never been there before and it was quite a sight to see. We tried out the restaurant Lemonade which was absolutely delicious- I love trying out places! The best thing on the menu was their panini filled with macaroni and beef stew- sounds like a weird combo I know but it was actually delicious. Afterward we walked along Main Street and I gave in and had some gelato (even though I gave up sweets for Lent- but that was my only slip up so far and it's Day 18 now!). It was worth it though! As my dad and I were walking along I stumbled upon such a cute new dress that my dad bought for me- thanks Dad! Now I just have to find the perfect occasion...
After we drove down to the seashore and walked along the beach. I've never seen so many kinds of people. There were so many "interesting" folk there- I think my dad and I stuck out like sore thumbs. My dad got me a really beautifully painted skull though- it's perfect because it is one of the symbols of Chi Omega. We had a great time people watching and spending time together. It was so nice of my dad to come visit me- and it was nice to get out of the dorm for a few hours! I get cabin fever sometimes (especially since I feel like I'm literally living in a cabin in Hitch). Looking forward to more fun outings: next adventure: Santa Monica pier!

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